What is FitRanX?


FitRanX is a standardized level training system used for gauging your fitness level. This is not a system based on how long you have been at a facility or how much your coach thinks you have improved. This system is based on REAL exercise science and took 6 years to develop and perfect.

FitRanX is NOT about competing with anyone else…it’s all about being better than you were yesterday. We prove this to you by progressing you through our Level system.

We Keep You Motivated!


The fitness tests keeps you motivated by giving you clear and specific goals to strive for while ensuring that you are achieving balanced, full-body fitness.

We focus on your physical progress and how your body feels and moves, not the DREADED scale!

What is Fitness Testing?


In order for you to progress from one level to the next, you participate in a Testing Day. Each Level Test includes specific strength movements that covers the 5 basic movement patterns you use in everyday life.

There is also a conditioning portion for each level’s advancement that covers explosive movements, loaded carries, and kettlebell techniques that is guaranteed to get you moving better and feeling better.

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